Towards Wholeness




Despite an increasing number of workplace health and wellbeing services being put in place, employees are experiencing increasing mental health issues and the highest rate of sickness absence in a decade….companies need to implement preventative health and wellbeing strategies that are supported by the most senior levels of leadership and build line manager skills and confidence to support wellbeing.

~CIPD Report September 2023

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Mental ill-health and musculoskeletal disorders are the two biggest attributors of workplace absenteeism and now we’re seeing decade-high levels of stress. Always Fit Health uses a systems-based psychology framework . Emotional Logic, that helps teams, managers or individual come through setbacks or challenges stronger. Rooted in research and endorsed by an audit published in the European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Emotional Logic helps companies and organisations build a culture of emotional resilience.

Our diagnostic assessment tools provides quantified data on general anxiety disorders and depression and the impact of our Emotional Logic framework is measurable. Companies and organisations can make data-led informed decision on early intervention and/or support.

For more information on our services click: here.

“If you don’t make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness”

~Joyce Sunada

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Services Overview


Team Wellbeing, Training & Leadership Development

We provide workshops for teams, that help improve productivity from build emotional resilience, dealing with stress and navigating challenging work relationships.
We provide leadership development and training for C-suite, middle management, team leads & direct reports as well as entry level staff.


EAP (Employee Assistance Programs)

Our Emotional Logic framework is highly effective as providing early intervention as well as immediate support for all psychosocial-related issues. We have successfully used this in different sectors such as the NHS, Police etc.


1:2:1 Personalised Coaching Sessions

57% of managers are currently looking for a job (Gallup Survey) which makes it crucial for businesses and organisations to retain their key staff. Whether you (key) staff are experiencing ‘survivor guilt’ after numerous organisational change programs or there is a staff member that could do wit some support, our coaching session are highly effective with people only needing an average of 4 sessions.

The Spillover effect: A high performer has a 15% positive effect on the team whereas a person with negative or toxic behaviour has negative double the effect!

HiQ Labs Study

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