Yoga more dangerous than previously thought

Yoga is more dangerous than previously thought and causes as many injuries as other sports, a study has found. Finally, this is making it to the mainstream!

In this article highlighting the concerns and issues with yoga, the scientists behind the research published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, found that the practice worsened over a fifth of existing injuries. Whilst yoga has become synonymous with modernity, at least in the trend of exercise, the science or for that matter the spiritual aspects don’t stack up. In our experience at Always Fit Health yoga can cause hyper-mobility which means you are at increased risk of injuries, such as dislocations and sprains.

Our approach at Always Fit Health is towards wholeness in body, soul and spirit. Regardless of the physical, emotional or spiritual intervention, it should yield a net positive effect over time. Many of the practices we use have an ancient origin and the results and science back it up. When it comes to musculoskeletal condition, our methodologies are based on functional movement. Functional movement practices target our physical framework, muscles, fascia and cellular structure to keep us fit for life.

Tina de Souza